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Black and Beige
Can You Get High from CBD or CBD Oil?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a cannabinoid, a type of natural compound found in cannabis and hemp.
It’s one of hundreds of compounds in these plants, but it’s received more attention lately as changes to state and federal laws have led to a rise in the production of CBD-infused products.
Another well-known cannabinoid is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This compound is known for its psychoactive effects when consumed with cannabis, or marijuana.
THC produces what many consider a “high,” or an altered state characterized by euphoria, pleasure, or heightened sensory perception.
CBD doesn’t cause a high like THC.
CBD does have some positive health benefits, like helping people with anxiety and depression. If you’re seeking out CBD as a means to get high, you won’t experience that.
Both THC and CBD naturally occur in cannabis plants. CBD can be isolated from the cannabis plant and the THC compound. People infuse CBD into tinctures, oils, edibles, and other products without the high-inducing THC.
Still, many individuals might assume CBD causes the same effects as marijuana, because both can be found in the same plant. However, CBD alone is nonintoxicating. It won’t cause a high.
What’s more, CBD can also be derived from the hemp plant. Hemp has no psychoactive effects, either.
In fact, in many states only hemp-derived CBD is available legally. These products, by law, can have no more than 0.3 percent THC. This isn’t enough to create any psychoactive symptoms.
Once extracted from hemp or cannabis, CBD can be added to several products, including tinctures, lotions, and oils.
CBD oil is one of the more popular CBD products. You can take it sublingually (under the tongue) or add it to drinks, food, or vape pens.
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