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18 ways to get a flat stomach
Fat around the belly can be challenging to lose. Even with diet and exercise, it can often be the last part of the body to slim down.
However, there are many methods that a person can use to both reduce overall fat and tone the abdomen.
Techniques that may help people get a flat stomach include:
1. Add cardio
Cardiovascular or aerobic exercises are an excellent way for a person to burn calories and improve their heart health.
Many cardio exercises are effective in trimming and strengthening a person's midsection. Some examples include running, walking, and swimming.
Research has shown that moderate-to-vigorous aerobic exercise can reduce fat in overweight people, even without a reduction in calorie intake.
2. Eat more fiber
Fiber can help make a person feel fuller for longer, which can reduce the amount of food that they eat during and between meals.
Fiber also keeps the digestive system functioning. A healthy digestive system can reduce bloating and keep the stomach looking slim.
3. Limit refined carbs
Carbohydrates are a source of energy for the body, but not all carbs are equally healthful. The body transforms certain carbs, such as white bread and white pasta, into glucose. When a person consumes more glucose than is necessary, the body stores the excess as fat.
A person looking to reduce the amount of fat around their midsection should limit their consumption of refined carbs.
As carbs are essential for energy, people should still eat healthful, whole-grain varieties.
4. Increase protein intake
Protein offers the body building blocks to repair and grow muscle, and it also helps a person feel fuller for longer.
A small 2012 study found that people who consumed high-quality proteins, such as milk, eggs, and beef, had a lower percentage of abdominal fat.
5. Do exercises while standing, not sitting
People should opt to stand when lifting weights or doing resistance training. Standing while performing certain movements, such as bicep curls, can help a person engage their core as they lift.
This engagement can help strengthen the core muscles and trim the stomach area.
6. Add resistance training
Doing resistance training can help ensure that a person who is cutting calories does not lose muscle mass. Developing muscle mass can also help the body burn more calories while at rest.
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